Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Good Day Rorqual Rovers,

Today we fought our way through the rough waters of Stellwagen Bank in search of humpback whales.  We joined forces again with our friend Captain Jeff in looking for blows amongst the white caps of turbid seas.  Despite several moments of fruitless efforts, one whale made its presence known with a full breach!  We spent a few surface intervals with this ocean wanderer, only to be rewarded with minimal activity and a cease in theatrics.

As we endured heaving swells in hopes of identifying this creature, crew member Dan spied splashing from a whale off our stern.  We departed from our initial sighting, aspiring to see such boisterous activity up close.  Our approach upon this second mysticete seemed to be in vain, as our first intimate glimpse was of a lone flukeprint amongst frothy waves.  Spirits were, admittedly, diminished upon the third deck.

Our NEAQ intern, Foster, jarred my attention as she witnessed a surge of white water erupting off our starboard!  She artfully identified this juvenile as Mostaza’s 2014 Calf from the dorsal fin alone!  The airborne mountain of blubber and flesh parted the ocean surface in an eruption of white spray, reminiscent of a mechanical submarine returning from its slumber in the unseen abyss.  This celebration of power turned into a veritable tantrum, as the youth even began chin breaching and tossing its pectoral flippers about when not fully airborne.  The seas themselves became rowdy, as two swells burst upon the port pulpit, leaving all survivors drenched and clamoring for safety in the first deck cabin!

Our yearning for whale activity was sated as we departed for terrestrial grounds, and today’s endeavor was a righteous maritime introduction for people new to the majesty of our ocean.

Peace and Love,

Unknown humpback diving. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist

Mostaza's 2014 calf breaching. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist

Whale in the doldrums. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist

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