Greetings Monks of the Mysticeti,
Saturday was a fine day on the southern perimeter of Stellwagen Bank, as we were in the company of Captain Adam aboard the bold Sanctuary. For our 10am voyage we found ourselves in the company of the humpback whale Rapier as she was nursing her gargantuan 2015 calf. There was a third whale unfamiliar to me who we dubbed “Christian Rock”, as the left fluke bore black colorations that looked like earphones accompanied by a crucifix. This whale was in fact Lutris, who anointed passengers with a mighty baptism of snarge.
Rapier's fluke pattern. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
My introduction to Lutris. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Lutris (submerged), Rapier (middle) and Rapier's 2015 Calf (closest to boat). Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Our 2pm expedition brought us to the Southeast Corner amongst associations of whales that evaded us in seas of 180’. We were soon parallel to humpback whales who Adam identified as Hancock and her 2015 calf, who were accompanied by Venom. The tiny calf was dwarfed by its mother who cast her tailstock from the sea, wildly pivoting her fluke in a pinwheel fashion!
Hancock's tail. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Hancock's fluke pattern. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Hancock's 2015 Calf dwarfed by Venom. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
An association of two whales we searched for earlier began breaching, and Venom became crazed in a repertoire of breaching and double- flipper slapping! Our trip ended with flamboyant rain-blow of water vaporized from Venom’s blowholes! It was a mystical conclusion to a mysticete day!
Venom breaching. Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Venom double-flipper slapping! Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Venom emitting a "rainblow". Rich Dolan, BHC naturalist |
Peace and Love,
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